How to Promote a Project?

How to Promote a Project?

Reach new audience by following some key points.

If you're thinking of starting a project then you should keep in mind that promotion is also required. Without promotion, no matter how valuable the project is, it will not reach the right audience.

This was a problem for me and I had a question in my mind that how to promote the 60DaysOfDevOps challenge even after the release because I am not able to give full time to promote this series only. Instead, I have to do other things also like making more projects, contributing to open source and joining events, etc.

I am thankful to Marino Wijay and especially Michael Cade who gave me so many ideas about promoting a project and I will share those ideas with you.

Different Approaches 🤔

Before discussing these ideas, let me tell you that my approach was totally different from Michael's approach. He started the 90DaysOfDevOps and released it earlier without waiting for the completion.

I did the opposite of that. I completed the whole 60DaysOfDevOps and then released it. During the creation of the series and before releasing it, I was just creating hype in the community and as I result, I got some followers and subscribers for the short-term but they were not permanent.

After releasing the DevOps series, I soon realized that the videos are not getting as many views as I expected and the metrics are slowly going down. This thing really confused me and I was thinking that the people who were asking me every day before the release are now not much responsive.

That's why I asked Marino and Michael. The tips they suggested me, are below.

You can apply these tips in the beginning of your project OR you can apply them after releasing the project completely. I would recommend you to release a project early and then promote it when a project grows.

Make Tutorials 📷

Making tutorials on YouTube will make the project more attractive as compare to a project that is just present on GitHub. It will help people understand all the functionalities and features that you're providing in a project.

Here are some of the most common types of instructional videos you can create:

  • Microvideos are short instructional videos that focus on teaching a single, narrow topic.

  • Tutorial videos are the go-to instructional method for teaching a process or giving step-by-step instructions and are sometimes referred to as “how-to” videos.

  • Training videos are designed to improve employees’ workplace skills and often use footage of real people to connect the trainer to the trainee.

  • Screencasts are quick, informal videos composed primarily of screen recordings designed to teach someone to perform a task or share knowledge.

Host Twitter Spaces 🗣️

Twitter Spaces is an amazing Twitter feature that can assist businesses and brands in expanding their presence on the network. Audio content is trending and the hottest among social media users right now. From podcasting to Clubhouse, many companies are using it in their content strategy. They aren’t, however, the only alternatives available to individuals interested in working in the audio industry.

Here are a few reasons why Twitter spaces can help you in the promotion.

  • Your visibility will be increased.

  • You will add more value to the community.

  • You can get instant feedback.

By hosting twitter spaces every week or every month, it will be easy for you to explain your project, share your progress and make connections with people so that they could also get involved in it.

If they faced some kind of problem then you can resolve it and invite them to resolve it also. In this way, the project will be collaborative.

Video Calls 🎥

Every month you can set up a meeting with the community who you know and who are willing to contribute. This process will build transparency and all the people will work like the team members.

For video calls, I prefer Google Meet because it's FREE but you can choose other softwares also like Zoom and Riverside.

Discord & Slack 💬

Discord and slack are full of communities and many people are part of these big communities like EddieHub, Kubernetes, CS Dojo, Hashnode, etc.

You can find people in the existing community or you can build your own community around a project and help people engage in it.

At first, building a community will take work but it has a lot of benefits for you and for other people also.

Blogs ✍️

Writing a blog will definitely give you boost and help you explain things in a proper way. You can divide a project into multiple parts and write a blog about each of the functionality of a project.

You can write the tutorial blogs also and teach people to learn the technical stuff easily. It will build your credibility in the community.

Aside from social network profiles, people who are searching for your name can find your blog or your author page on other blogs. That information will help people to get to know you better by reading your work.

You can setup your own blogging site or create an account in Hashnode, medium or to write blogs in it.

Apply for the CFP 🎤

Conferences are one of the best ways to make connections and promote your project. Apply for the CFP(Call for proposal) in multiple events will give you the chance to promote your project there, speak about it and find the like-minded people who will support you.

There are countless great reasons to attend a conference but I will mention few of them.

  • You will get feedback on an early version of your project.

  • You will get to know other people in your field.

  • You will hear about the latest research.

  • You will meet your academic heroes.

  • You will be engaged in high-level debates and refine your ideas.

Here you can browse the conferences that will be held.

That's it. I hope you will like this blog.

You can follow me on YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn.