Combining Two GitHub Repositories: A Step-by-Step Guide

Combining Two GitHub Repositories: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mastering Codebase Consolidation: Merging Repositories vs Git Submodules on GitHub


5 min read

GitHub, a powerful collaborative platform, plays an indispensable role in today's software development landscape. However, as projects evolve, there are times when we need to combine or integrate two distinct repositories into a single one for easier management, consolidation, or project requirements. This article provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to integrate two repositories in a GitHub organization and also contrasts this method with using Git submodules.

Understanding The Need for Repository Integration ๐Ÿค”

The need to merge repositories may arise from several situations. You might want to consolidate codebases for efficiency, or your project's structure might have evolved to a stage where it makes sense to bring disparate parts together. Regardless of the reason, merging repositories involves taking two separate codebases, each with their own commit history, and combining them into a single repository.

Merging Repositories: Step-by-Step ๐Ÿš€

Here's a detailed step-by-step guide on how to merge two repositories in a GitHub organization:

Step 1: Backup Your Repositories ๐Ÿ“‚

Always start by backing up your repositories. This critical step prevents data loss if something goes wrong during the merge process.

Step 2: Clone Both Repositories Locally ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

Using Git, clone both repositories onto your local machine:

git clone
git clone

This gives you local copies of the repositories to manipulate without affecting the original data.

Step 3: Create a New Repository ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ

This will be the merged repository. You can create this repository via the GitHub website.

Step 4: Clone the New Repository Locally ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

Next, clone the new repository onto your local machine:

git clone

Step 5 & 6: Pull Data from Both Repositories into the New One ๐Ÿ““

Navigate to the new repository directory (cd new-repository). Now, use the git remote add command to link to the first old repository. Then, use git pull to pull the data into the new repository.

git remote add repository1 ../repository1
git pull repo1 master --allow-unrelated-histories

Repeat these steps for the second repository:

git remote add repository2 ../repository2
git pull repo2 master --allow-unrelated-histories

Here, we're using the --allow-unrelated-histories flag. By default, Git refuses to merge histories that don't share a common ancestor. However, this flag allows us to override this precaution.

Step 7: Resolve Merge Conflicts โš”๏ธ

If Git detects overlapping changes between the repositories, it will generate a merge conflict. You'll have to resolve these conflicts manually. Open the conflicting files, decide which changes to keep, and remove Git's conflict markers.

Step 8: Commit and Push Your Changes ๐Ÿšง

Once you've resolved conflicts, add the changes to the Git staging area:

git add .

Commit these changes with a descriptive message:

git commit -m "Merged repository1 and repository2 into this new repository"

Finally, push these changes to the main branch on GitHub:

git push origin main

Congratulations! You've successfully merged two repositories.

Comparison: Merging Repositories vs Git Submodules ๐Ÿชง

When you're managing projects on GitHub, there are times when you may need to combine the work of multiple repositories. Two popular strategies to do this include merging repositories and using Git submodules. Although both methods aim to consolidate your work, they offer unique benefits and have specific use cases. Let's delve deeper and draw a comparison between the two.

Merging Repositories ๐Ÿ

Merging repositories effectively fuses two separate projects into one, resulting in a single repository containing the combined files and commit histories of the original repositories.


  • Simplicity: Having everything in one repository simplifies project management as you only have one repo to pull, clone, or track.

  • Atomic Commits: Since all the code is in one repository, changes across multiple parts of the project can be committed atomically, reducing inconsistencies and easing rollback if necessary.


  • Messy Commit History: When two repositories are merged, their commit histories are also merged, which could lead to a confusing and complex log, especially if the two repositories have long, distinct histories.

  • Separation Difficulty: If in the future, you need to separate the two projects, it would be a complex and tedious task.

Git Submodules ๐Ÿ’ป

Git submodules, on the other hand, allow you to keep a Git repository as a subdirectory of another Git repository. This method enables you to track changes in several repositories via a central repository.


  • Separate Commit Histories: Each submodule has its own commit history, allowing you to keep the commit histories of the two repositories separate and clean.

  • Code Reuse: Since submodules are independent repositories, they can be shared and used across multiple projects, promoting code reuse.

  • Isolated Changes: Changes made to the submodule are isolated and don't affect the parent repository, providing more control over the codebase.


  • Complexity: Working with submodules can be complex, especially for those new to Git. It requires managing multiple repositories and ensuring they're all in the correct state.

  • Extra Steps: Updating a submodule requires extra steps, and it's easy to forget to push or pull updates to the submodule.

In conclusion, your choice between merging repositories and using Git submodules should depend on your specific needs. If you need to consolidate tightly coupled projects for simplicity, merging repositories would be more suitable. However, if your repositories are loosely coupled, or you want to maintain the ability to update and track changes separately, using Git submodules would be the better choice.

Wrapping Up ๐Ÿค—

Git, the underpinning technology of GitHub, is extremely flexible. Whether you need to merge repositories or work with submodules, it provides the tools necessary to manage your codebase effectively. However, each approach has its own implications and use cases. While merging is great for project consolidation, submodules work well for managing loosely coupled, reusable code. Always consider the specifics of your project and the implications of your chosen method before proceeding.

That's it for now.

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